Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Village Networking meetings are now FREE TO ATTEND! Come to your local meeting whenever you like, and visit other groups by request to the group host.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Village Networking is on holiday for the rest of August so make sure you enjoy the rest of the summer and see you back in September! Visit our website calendar for meeting dates and new groups starting at

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Steyning Meeting News

Heather has sold 4 ContactFile this week - 3 online and 1 via the Findon Village Networking Group! She is offering Village Networking members the old price of £120 - new price is £150. Also BabyExpo show on 27th June was a huge success and the doors had to be closed!!

The Old Bakery Tearoom now has WiFi!! And and ice cream machine for lovely home-made ice cream. Paul is looking to hire the tearooms for business meetings/events and for private parties

Peter is offering a 1-hour supercharged workshop for new businesses with 6 in each group. Cost will be around £30

Jo will save any home or business money on their gas, electricity, phone, broadband and mobiles

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Henfield Meeting News

A really good meeting out in the pub garden, with 12 attendees despite perfect weather and Andy Murray on court at Wimbledon!

Peter Johnson from Sussex Business Advisors visited from Steyning group and we welcomed new member Art Hutchins from Art's Eye Photography.

Henfield Enterprise (formerly Chamber of Commerce) are having a networking meeting tonight June at 6pm at the White Hart Pub. There is a charity quiz afterwards from 8.30pm in aid of HART for teams of 6 people.

Stuart Avern of Midas Mortgage Centre invites anyone interested in Cape Verde property investment to a seminar in Hove on Thursday 8th July at The Square Restaurant, Church Road. For more times and more details email

Gillian Goodsman of Goodsman Lettings is running a craft fair in Lindfield on September 4th and is looking for small businesses who may want to hire a stall. For more details email

Henfield Leisure Centre is celebrating it's 20th birthday on July 17th with a Family Fun Day from 12 noon onwards - all welcome. Visit for more details.

St Peters Primary School Fete is next Saturday 10th July and stalls are still available for small businesses - contact Richard Lucy for more info at

Next meeting is our RELAUNCH on Monday 12th July 2010.

Monday, 21 June 2010

TONIGHT!!! Steyning Relaunch Meeting

5.30pm for 6.00pm start at the Old Bakery Tea Rooms in Cobblestone Walk. Come along for a free taster meeting and find out all the benefits of joining Village Networking!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Findon Launch Meeting at the Sylvan Oak

A great meeting with around 20 attendees and some fascinating businesses from the village and surrounding areas. As you can see we were able to sit outside on the fabulous terrace for the meeting as it was such a lovely evening. Can't wait for the next meeting on Monday 28th.

Sinan from Sylvan Oak did us proud with some gorgeous canapes to keep us fed while we chatted. What a great venue for a summer party.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Notes of Henfield Meeting - Monday 10th May 2010

Tonight there were 8 attendees - at least 3 members being in local dramatic productions! Welcome to new member Carol Firth who is an Arbonne representative.

We tried out our new '121' format, with 2 one-to-one 10 minute sessions. It was a bit hectic but the feedback was excellent afterwards, with members feeling that it was a really good way to understand more about each others' businesses and there was far more chance of identifying referral opportunities. So we will carry on with this format for now.

Andy is looking for referral for pressed tools, metal or plastic components - even very small jobs such as drilling a hole! Andy's wife is looking for a training job locally - she is also skilled in technical writing. If you can help in any way please get in touch.

Liz brought an article by Tim Fifield titled 'Networking Why Bother' and here is a very useful link to his blog for more info on this - Liz also had info for Gillian on the local lettings competition. Richard has a referral for Tom. Susan is promoting Camp Conveyancing at Gay Pride to try and gain the advantage of the Pink Pound - great marketing idea! Liz has asked Mike to take photos at a surprise party.

Helen thanked Jo for commissioning her to design the Village Networking logos - a great job as you can see! Helen also thanked Liz for working with her on her business card design.

Jo had news on her Village Networking business - new groups are opening in Billingshurst, Storrington and Findon in June, so if you know any businesspeople in these villages, please let her know.

Next meeting is Monday 24th May 2010. See you there!

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Notes of Steyning Meeting - Tuesday 4th May 2010

Our first Tuesday meeting after the Monday Bank Holiday at The Old Bakery Tea Rooms.

Lisa Beaney is focussing on her fabulous boudoir services and is looking for beauticians and hair salons to connect with

Paul is looking to promote the new catering service at the Tea Rooms by connecting with wedding magazines and approaching funeral directors! He is looking at putting feedback forms on the tables, perhaps with a draw prize

Julie Belton is looking at expansion of Beltons accountancy business. There is a free initial consulation offered and appointments are very flexible, and offered at convenient 'after work' times

Jo told the group about the great new mobile deals from UW - eg for just £12 a month the FREETEXT package gives you free texts, 150 mins of calls AND 5p a minute to top 26 INTERNATIONAL destinations!

Monday, 26 April 2010

Notes of Henfield Meeting - Monday 26th April 2010

A good meeting hosted by Stuart Avern of Midas Mortgage Centre with 11 attendees and two new members, David Fearn of Camping World and Suzanne Fearn of Celebrity CupCakes.

Gillian Goodsman of Goodsman Lettings held a Q&A think tank on marketing her letting business and would be grateful for any more feedback from members - please contact Gillian on 01273 495220.

Helen from StyleStep gave a practical demo on how colours can work for you and highlight your features, improving image and wellbeing. This can be done for as little as £80 for a colour analysis session - for more info visit SPECIAL PROMOTION 10% OFF DURING MAY.

Next meeting is Monday 10th May at 6pm - see you there!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

New Venue for Steyning Meetings

Our Steyning meetings are being held from now on at The Old Bakery Tea Rooms in Cobblestone Walk, off the High Street in Steyning. This historical building has been converted into a typically english tea room by Paul Ainscough, one of the group's members. It's cosy interior is perfect for our needs!

Notes of Steyning Meeting - Monday 19th April 2010

A great meeting at the Old Bakery Tea Rooms in Cobblestone Walk with 17 attendees.

Thank you to Lisa of Lisa Beaney Photography who showed us her new Boudoir service which offers women a lovely album of beautiful photos, makeup and champagne provided! Lisa is offering a 10% discount to any networking contacts. For more info visit

Jo told the group about the new services announced by Utility Warehouse - mobile broadband is now available and there are some great mobile deals, including blackberry and iPhone. ToysRUs has been added to the 5% off cashback partners which also include Sainsbury, Argos, Boots and many more. For more info visit

Nick is going to put group details in his newsletter; Paul is happy to display group marketing materials in the Tea Rooms and Melissa offered to put any member's news story into Village Living magazine.

It was decided that meetings falling on a bank holiday Monday would be moved to the Tuesday, hence next meeting is Tuesday 4th May 2010.

See you there!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Notes of Henfield Meeting - Monday 12 April 2010

A really good and lively meeting with 12 members attending. There were apologies from Debs and Richard Carter, Helen Reynolds and Brian Smith.

Thank you to Alison Gardner of Ladies Who Decorate for sharing her experience of applying for the Trading Standards 'Buy with Confidence' scheme. For more info visit

Thank you to Myles Locke of Northstar IT for showing us his business in more detail and for the great printer offers he has at the moment. For more info visit

Our next meeting is Monday 26th April, 6pm - see you there!

Saturday, 20 March 2010

BN44Biz - Steyning's Business Networking Group

Meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at White's Bar in Steyning High Street. The group is young but very well attended with approximately 15 members.

If you would like to know more, or would like to join, please email

BizBN5 - Henfield Business Networking Group

Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at the White Hart Pub in Henfield High Street. The group is very lively and vibrant with about 15 members.

If you would like to join this group or find out more please email