Tonight there were 8 attendees - at least 3 members being in local dramatic productions! Welcome to new member Carol Firth who is an Arbonne representative.
We tried out our new '121' format, with 2 one-to-one 10 minute sessions. It was a bit hectic but the feedback was excellent afterwards, with members feeling that it was a really good way to understand more about each others' businesses and there was far more chance of identifying referral opportunities. So we will carry on with this format for now.
Andy is looking for referral for pressed tools, metal or plastic components - even very small jobs such as drilling a hole! Andy's wife is looking for a training job locally - she is also skilled in technical writing. If you can help in any way please get in touch.
Liz brought an article by Tim Fifield titled 'Networking Why Bother' and here is a very useful link to his blog for more info on this - Liz also had info for Gillian on the local lettings competition. Richard has a referral for Tom. Susan is promoting Camp Conveyancing at Gay Pride to try and gain the advantage of the Pink Pound - great marketing idea! Liz has asked Mike to take photos at a surprise party.
Helen thanked Jo for commissioning her to design the Village Networking logos - a great job as you can see! Helen also thanked Liz for working with her on her business card design.
Jo had news on her Village Networking business - new groups are opening in Billingshurst, Storrington and Findon in June, so if you know any businesspeople in these villages, please let her know.
Next meeting is Monday 24th May 2010. See you there!
Give me a call Jo and I can let you have names of business people in Billingshurst area.